Broomhill Festival
Last night I attended the Broomhill Festival committee where Ben’s Centre along with 3 other Sheffield Charities was presented with a cheque for £2,350. The festival committee and its team of helps had all worked together passionately to run 10 days on events within Broomhill community in June this year. A wide range of events including family activities, poetry, history, music events and a garden party had raised £9,000 for their chosen charities this year. We were very blessed to be chosen as one of their charities for 2010 and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved in running the Broomhill festival and its events for their time, commitment and support.
It is really encouraging as a small charity to receive support from local communities, Broomhill is just under a mile away from us and many of its residents including the large student population will walk along Glossop Road on to West Street unaware of our presence in the city. Our involvement with Broomhill festival has given us the opportunity to promote our charity and its work with street drinkers.
We plan to use the donation towards the costs of producing a hot nutritious lunch for our service users over the next 6 months; this will roughly help to provide over 1000 meals for street drinkers in Sheffield.